How To Build An xTool Laser Enclosure With Smoke Extraction And Laser Shielding - Plans Available
Ever since I started using my xTool, smoke and fumes in my workshop have been a problem. Also, I couldn't work on other projects while the xTool was in operation without wearing safety glasses. To solve these problems, I built an xTool laser enclosure with smoke extraction and laser shielding.
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How To Build A Mobile Plywood Cabinet With Pocket Hole Joinery - Plans Available
This DIY plywood cabinet is a great option for adding storage space to your workshop, home or office. This post covers the cabinet design, construction, materials and tools required.
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How To Build A Raised Planter Box With Polycarbonate Canopy - Plans Available
If you are planning on building a raised planter box for your garden, make sure you read this blog post first. I discuss the design I came up with to easily add a polycarbonate canopy to your planter. It creates a warm environment for growing vegetables for climate sensitive plants year round.
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How To Make A Combined Spline And Box Joint Jig For The Router Table - Plans Available
If you are planning on getting into box making, you've probably seen both spline and box joint jigs. In this post I discuss a clever yet simple router table jig that can make both spline and box joints. Save time, money and space in your workshop!
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How To Make A Wooden Christmas Tree
This wooden Christmas tree features a simple and stylish design. It can also be used for ornamental or display purposes at any time of the year.
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How To Build A Stylish Wooden Bluetooth Speaker - Plans Available
This Bluetooth speaker not only looks great, it sounds great too! I've had the design for the speaker in my head for a while now and finally got around to building it.
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